Beauty products have never been something I’ve been interested in – I’m actually quite the skeptic when it comes to trying new products. Since high school I’ve used the same brands because every time I tried something new I’d break out. Then came motherhood and my skin completely changed on me. So I started the hunt for new products that would keep my skin clear so I wouldn’t have to wear a lot of makeup (I’m a minimalist when it comes to that).
Then I discovered True Botanicals and my skin care dreams came true. No joke, it transformed my skin to even better than before I became a mom. I feel as though I look younger and healthier since I started to use their line of products. The founder, Hillary Peterson, was looking for an all-natural skincare after a diagnosis with cancer. When she realized how few products were available that were all natural, she made the decision to fill the niche for non-toxic, high-performing products that help smooth lines and wrinkles without the use of chemicals. I’m so careful about what I eat, how much sleep I get, and making sure to exercise, but I never once thought about what I put on my skin. I started learning about the toxins in products and I was converted immediately with the results I saw and knowing exactly what was going on my skin.
Today, I’m thrilled to share the True Botanicals workspace and shop with all of you. Their mission and passion for bringing everyone an all-natural skincare is truly incredibly.

How was True Botanicals born? What was your inspiration for the brand?
I became aware of toxic exposure through our everyday products when research such as the umbilical cord blood study by the EWG confirmed that much of what goes on your skin is absorbed into your body. When I looked around, the options for luxurious and safe products were slim. I realized that this was an opportunity I had to pursue. It is so rewarding to set a higher bar for beauty — our personal care routines should be transformative, luxurious and safe – for humans as well as the environment.
Why is it important for us to be considering what’s in the products we put on our skin?
Our skin is our largest organ and when we apply products made with toxic ingredients we are literally feeding them to our bodies. Not only does feeding our skin with potent ingredients from nature transform our skin, it also literally nourishes our bodies.

What are some of the most effective natural ingredients you use in your products?
I am a huge fan of the cold pressed seed oils that we use liberally in our products. They are loaded with the EFAs and anti-oxidants that are essential to aging gracefully.
Carrot seed oil (wildcrafted): Used for centuries to rejuvenate and regenerate skin tissues, carrot seed oil is loaded with nutrients
Camellia (Green Tea) seed oil (organic): Highly moisturizing and emollient, this oil rich in antioxidants, reduces inflammation (aka puffiness) and the free radicals that cause premature aging.
Blackberry seed oil (organic): High in Vitamin C, this antioxidant-rich oil helps repair fine lines and like other berry seed oils is highly therapeutic.
Chia seed and kiwi seed oils: Chia seeds are the best natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids, and kiwi seeds are not far behind. Omega-3 fatty acids help strengthen cell membranes’ barriers. Good barrier protective function means water and nutrients can enter the cells while toxins are kept out.
What are some “natural skincare myths” you’d like to bust?
There are so many! First and foremost, I want beauty shoppers to know that ingredients created in a lab are not more potent than carefully researched and curated ingredients from nature. When we think of our bodies, it is clear that whole ingredients from nature are the most nourishing. The same is true for our skin.

What keeps you most excited about your work?
It is so rewarding to think of a skin issue that we want to solve, for example redness, wrinkles or adult acne, to put a lot of energy into creating a product and then to hear from customers that they have never had a product work so well for them. We get incredible e-mails and calls form customers and it makes our work so meaningful.
For those who are just starting to make the switch to natural skincare, what products to you recommend starting with?
We always recommend that new customers start with one of our face oils because they balance the skin and give back that healthy glow that is lost over the years. We have anti-aging face oil for every type of skin so that we can address the needs normal, ultra sensitive or blemish-prone skin. Layering one of our face serum over the face oil is a great second step. Our powerhouse face serums seal in moisture and repair cellular damage.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know the beautiful mission behind True Botanicals – I highly recommend popping over to their site.
For past workspace features, pop over here to get inspired!
Photography by Ali Hartwell for Sacramento Street