One of the decisions I made was to not buy a changing table for the nursery. Instead, I found a chest-of-drawers I adored and retrofit it into a changing table. Believe me, if I can do it (the queen of DIY disasters!) anyone can.

I’m drawn to champagne-style chest-of-drawers. They remind me of the inside of a steamer trunk and anything related to travel is attractive to me. I found just what I was looking for at Land of Nod. Three ample drawers give me the room for everything I need when changing Jackson. And it was so easy to attach the changing table top. We attached it to the back of the chest so when Jackson is no longer in need of a changing table, we can remove the top and have it simply as a chest-of-drawers.

You don’t have to give up good style when you put together a nursery.
Photos by Delbarr Moradi for Sacramento Street