My top place to frequent for props and pieces for the client projects as well as my own home is Elsie Green. I have never left empty handed! This summer Elsie Green expanded to have a retail shop in Sebastopol in the beautiful Barlow district. The store has soaring open beamed ceiling and light that floods in. The very best in antiques from France, as well as items from Morocco and beyond fill this space. It’s such a treat to see all of these treasures come to life in a new space. It makes it even easier to find treasures to come home with me.

You can also visit Elsie Green at their original warehouse in Concord. Here you will find the same items and more to fill your home: cutting boards, old transferware, silver, candlesticks, linens, and more. There is always a treasure you won’t be able to resist. Now is the time to plan a little day trip. Happy shopping!