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On the Menu: Pumpkin and Butternut Squash Soup

Pumpkin and Butternut Squash Soup | Sacramento Street

Our first rain of the season has graced us here in San Francisco. We’ve been quite fortunate this fall with sunshine and mild temps but alas, it couldn’t last forever. When rain comes all I want to do is stay inside, curl up on my sofa and enjoy a deliciously warm soup. That’s why I’m bringing you a tried and true from our house – a Pumpkin and Butternut Squash Soup. It’s easy and bound to have your whole family wanting seconds. So if you’re needing a tasty and warm meal for your family I highly recommend cooking this up. I’ll be serving this the day after Thanksgiving this year – you can pre-make it a few days ahead and then serve it! Enjoy!

Pumpkin and Butternut Squash Soup



– 4 cups of peeled, cubed pumpkin

– 6 cups of peeled, cubed butternut squash

– 3 cloves of garlic

– 1 medium onion

– 16 oz of vegetable stock

– 1 cup of water

– 1 tablespoon butter

– 1 teaspoon sea salt

– 1/4 teaspoon pepper

– 1 1/2 tablespoon curry

– 1 tablespoon of coconut milk

– sunflower seeds to garnish



1. Chop onion and cook over medium-low heat in a large, heavy bottomed soup pot with butter and garlic. Cook until onions have softened.

2. Add curry (start with 1/2 tablespoon and add more as it cooks). Cook for an additional minute.

3. While the above is cooking halve, peel and de-seed pumpkin and butternut squash. Cut into 1″ cubes.

4. When the onion mixture is done, add pumpkin, butternut squash, vegetable stock, salt and pepper. Cover and bring to a boil. Once it’s boiling reduce heat and simmer over medium to low heat.

5. Simmer until butternut squash and pumpkin can be easily pierced with a fork. This should take about 30 minutes.

6. Let cool for about 5 minutes before transferring to a blender and puree. Adjust salt and add about 1/2 or 1 tablespoon of curry after blending.

7. Serve hot with about a tablespoon of coconut milk in each bowl and a sprinkle of sunflowers seeds on top for garnish. Enjoy!

Photo by Caitlin Flemming


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