Spring has meant there is a wonderful burst of new books on the bookshelf! Over the next few weeks, I’ll be reviewing my favorites. I learn so much from every design book I read, and much of what I learn, improves how I approach my own design work.
Pacific Natural: Simple Seasonal Entertaining by Jenni Kayne Kerry Joyce: The Intangible by Kerry Joyce
Jenny Kayne has written a must-have book, Pacific Natural. What I love about this book, is how it’s organized by season. All the recipes and meal ideas are centered around fresh ingredients abundant during the seasons. Each meal is not only a visual treat, but also tastes incredibly delicious. I recently recreated the citrus lunch in the spring chapter for my husband’s birthday. Even the kiddos loved the kale and blood orange salad. And the naked kumquat cake was such a nice twist on a traditional cake. There are so many helpful tips as well. One of my favorite parts are the ideas for parting gifts for your guests. Ideas ranged from rosemary spray to cranberry sauce, a kit to make smores, or a citronella candle. Even the back of the book has great staple recipes for dressing and broths and stocks. And to forget to mention the visual splendor on each page, would be a mistake. Many of the photographs have also inspired me to change details within my own home.
The Intangible by Kerry Joyce is a book I saw at one of my favorite stores, London + Wood, and bought it based on the beauty of the cover alone (Yes, I do judge a book by its cover!). Joyce grew up expecting her would be an oceanographer (me too!). But in his teen years. Joyce managed to perform in over 60 plays. It was here, he began his love of storytelling. Quite by accident, he ended up as a set designer, even winning an Emmy for set direction. With time, he opened a shop – Design Resource – on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles. He began traveling and collecting architectural elements he found. Many of his clients urged him to step into interior design and he eventually did.
Kerry Joyce, chronicles his work, including his wide variety of stunning textiles. As a lover of storytelling and his background in set design, his life experiences have no doubt, informed his sophisticated eye for design. So while I started out buying Kerry Joyce for it’s beautiful cover, I ended up with a book filled with inspiration.