A nighttime routine has been a big part of getting our kids down for bed each evening. One of the main components of the routine has been reading.
The last couple of months, we have all been cuddling up into one bed to read chapter books as a family. Other nights, we have the kids pick out the book they are loving. Having this down time to read before bed helps them wind down and it is a nice way for all of us to spend a few final minutes together before the day ends. Here are a few books that the kids and I love.
A few of our family favorites:
All We Need (written by a childhood friend)
You are Loved - The Collection (a favorite with our family)
Little People, Big Dreams (Amelia Earhart)
Little People, Big Dreams (Billie Jean King)
Little People, Big Dreams (Jesse Owens)
Little People, Big Dreams (Mahatma Gandi)