After ten months of the pandemic, we made the choice to move. We had lived in our apartment nine years and it holds so many good memories. We started our family there, celebrated holidays and birthdays. We loved it so much. Recently we’ve felt what I’m sure many others have. We wanted outdoor space for our two kids and a few amenities we’ve lived without – a dishwasher, washer & dryer, and most importantly – heat. Yes, you heard that all correctly.
With the max exodus that has happened in San Francisco, prices have dropped significantly and people have left. This all happened very serendipitously. Before the holidays Jackson was on the phone and someone asked him what he wanted for Christmas - he said "I'm thinking a new house" - Eric and I immediately looked at each other and laughed. He had never voiced this with us. He then said "A yard would be really nice." By pure luck, that same evening I went online to do a little search and we found a place that met all of our needs and was beautiful beyond our dreams. All the amenities and in addition, two beautiful rooms on the garden level. This is where we will have the office. Two days later it was ours. The stars aligned for us and we feel so incredibly lucky with this new home.

First order of business before we moved in was that we had the entire place painted white. After walking around with samples in the space we went with Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace. I remember when my mom and I interviewed Kendra Smoot for Travel Home she said when they painted their new home, it felt a bit like a baptism. Fresh paint, new light fixtures I’d been waiting to use, and clean windows – we were ready to move in.
Unpacking has been slower than I had expected. Having two littles needing attention, has slowed the process. We prioritized their rooms first and are working out way from room to room. We are almost done! This is somewhere we hope to live in for a very long time and I can't wait to creating new memories in this home.