There's something bittersweet about a quiet winter garden. Often overlooked because it isn't flooded with flora or as emerald green as it appears in its summery prime, but equally as beautiful. Perhaps even more so if you take a good look, to sit in its gift of calming, healing silence and crisp winter air, where its dead branches lay covered in condensation or forgotten fruits. It rests, rejuvenates and plants firm roots for upcoming transitions - this is where the subtle magic happens.

Of course during this past year most of us probably haven't been able to frolic in as many gardens as we'd like, but have been spending more time indoors and perhaps felt a strong absence of connection to nature more than ever. Which is even more reason to bring the outdoors in, in whichever small or big ways we can. As many of us jump into the new year with plans to cleanse and start fresh, start by taking a look at your environment and assessing how you feel in that space.
We've rounded up a few images that inspire ways to bring that magic of an ethereal garden-scape into your environment, throughout the winter, no matter what climate you live in. Through color, textiles, or foraged finds, we hope you will be inspired to create small pockets of garden-like respite in your own home.

Clockwise from top left: @alexyeske , @atelier.ellis , @sister_interiors , @atetlier.ellis

Clockwise from top left: @clairethibodeauceramics , @colinking , @jaclyn_ascencio , via pinterest
