When you work for yourself, it’s a gray line where work begins and ends. There is always something I need to be focusing my attention on. As an entrepreneur, designer and mom, it can be difficult to find time for myself. I realize I need to work hard and have discipline to be successful, but getting away from it all, is a way to inspire my work and clear my head. I find that even escaping from it all for a day, can help me redirect my passion and juggle my work and home life.

Part of my work as an interior designer, centers around finding comfort for my clients in their homes. I find that even in my own life, comfort is important, not only in my home but the other place I send a lot of time in – my car.
When it comes to my car it is basically my hub for everything – work, life, motherhood. Sometimes I’m in it all day long going from one client meeting to another, to baseball practice, swimming, or on an adventure with my family.
For me there are three things I look for in a car: safety, design, and functionality. Safety is the first and most important since I want my children to be as safe as possible. Design is always important to me – I like things to look beautiful. And finally, functionality. I want a car that works well and is intuitive to use.
Recently, I was able to take a day reprieve from my responsibilities and take a road trip with BMW to Big Bear Lake in Southern California. I find much of my inspiration in nature and a drive and a hike in such a beautiful place can inspire me in my work and ground me in my busy life. And to be able to do so in their brand new BMW X7, which is such a comfortable and intelligent car, that made the trip even more rewarding.

The first thing I notice about the X7, is the beauty of the design. Both inside and out, the design was important and looks great. The interior of the X7 is inviting, calm, and sleek. Just like the design I do for homes, the X7 seems to exhibit a simplicity of style that speaks for itself.
Driving a sleek car that handles well, the X7 is the ultimate drive. It also functions for someone who is using their car for multiple functions. With room in the back for my design tools, sports equipment, groceries, or whatever else I’m lugging around. I also have the well-being of knowing I have a safe car on the road.
What do you do to filter out all of the noise in your life and redirect your energy when life gets hectic?
Photos by Courtney Cutchen Photography for BMW
Created in partnership with BMW – thank you for supporting the brands that keep this blog running.