It's amazing to think about life back in early March. We were all thinking and talking about going into quarantine for just a few weeks. Now, we are 12 weeks into "shelter in place" and it feels as though this is the new normal.
When this all began it was a huge adjustment for our family. We were going at a hectic pace and weren't slowing down to enjoy the little things. This time has been a blessing in disguise. It opened my eyes to enjoy a simple cup of tea in the morning before opening up my email (I used to open it in bed).

The questions I've been getting asked the most are how am I working and parenting? And how did our kids adjust to it all?
Both Eric and I are lucky that we quickly figured out our daily schedule the first week in. We knew that if we both tried to work at the same time that we inevitably wouldn't get as much done if the kids were also trying to get our attention. So, we take turns - Eric gets the morning shift and I get the afternoon. It gives us that dedicated time for work and the kids get us fully present.
Our kids have never been better. Both of our kids thrive on structure and routines. So, they know that they have mom in the morning to do some school activities and an adventure outdoors, and then dad comes home to do legos, drawing, crafts, and then they set out on another outdoor activity. It's incredibly important for us to get our kids outdoors walking and playing twice a day so that they actually want to go to bed at 7 pm.

While I know this time will soon be behind us, I have to say, it's been so good for all of us. Eric, who usually travels up to 20 days a month during baseball season, was able to spend time with both kiddos at such a great time. I've learned how to disconnect and our nature walks are something all of us look forward to. Of course, we worry about our ability to continue this and receive a paycheck and our hearts go out to those who have lost their jobs. Our income has reduced but we are spending less and I know that's a fortunate thing.
Photos by Caitlin Flemming