I do a good amount of sourcing as a designer. My trip to Los Angeles last week was to do some major sourcing for clients. I saw so many beautiful showrooms but Galerie Half nearly knocked me off my feet. This was something beyond my wildest dreams as a well curated collection of furniture, art, and lighting from around the world.

There were chairs designed by the Swiss-French architect Le Corbusier. These chairs came from Chandigarth, a city in the northern part of India that serves as capital to Punjab and Haryana. Le Corbusier was charged with helping to create a planned city for the newly independent India. Not only were every building designed, but every detail including furniture, was taken into consideration. As time went by, much of the furniture was discarded for more modern choices. The old chairs (as well as daybed’s) were resurrected from the city dump after years of neglect. Some had bleached down to a beachwood color. Others were still the walnut stain originally applied to the furniture. Caning has been redone but these chairs are an example of the exquisite design found throughout Galerie Half.

Galerie Half is worth a visit if you are in Los Angeles!
6911 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90038
Photos by Caitlin Flemming