Time is precious to me, especially now that I’m the mother to a toddler. There are many hours in my day that are devoted to things like messy play, park visits, or diaper changes. Some of the things I was able to accomplish before Jackson just don’t get done as quickly as before. Holidays and all of the extra things attached often seem to creep up on me now and I don’t find the time to get everything done.

One solution I’ve found is sitting down at night, after my son is in bed, and ordering many of the things I need from Amazon. Since we’re Prime members, it’s so great to be able to place an order and have the items at my doorstep the next day. Not only can I find everyday items I need, I can also get those items needed for the holiday season. This leaves me with more time to enjoy my family and also getting some things crossed off my list of things to do. Recently, I ordered everything I need to wrap gifts for the holidays – the paper, ribbon, scissors, tape –it’s all set to go. Now I can wrap as I find the gifts for the people I love.

One place I use as my go-to place to find shoes is Zappos. I love how I am able to get them quickly with free shipping and simple return policies. One brand that’s my frequently my choice for comfort, are Rockports. Recently I found a pair of black suede ballet flats that are not only comfortable, but also look great for any activity I might be going to. Let’s face it, most of the time we are jumping from glamorous to not-so-glamorous in a heartbeat. Finding the right pair of comfortable and nice looking shoes can be a challenge. I urge you to head directly to Zappos for an incredibly easy way to buy shoes. And if you’re looking for comfort, consider Rockport as your choice!

Photos by Andrea Posadas for Sacramento Street