If you’re lucky, every once-in-a-while you come across a design book that both inspires as well as helps you to achieve your design aspirations. From the moment I opened Paloma Contreras’ book Dream Design Live, I knew it would be special when I saw the vivid pink and purple ikat on its opening pages. That was only the start. The organization of the book is brilliant. Paloma begins by helping the reader to become aware of what resonates in their life around them, and then using this inspiration to gather inspirational images to evaluate and edit your ideas. She also points out that this is a process that never ends and eventually it will lead you to creating your own signature style.
There are also the design and live sections filled with practical advice on how to accomplish your design dreams. Lighting, pillows, details for a kitchen – they are all broken down for the reader to understand and learn from.
Paloma and I began our blogs around the same time. She has been a constant form of inspiration to me personally. I am happy to announce that together with Crystal Palecek, I am hosting a book signing Dream Design Live at Hudson Grace in San Francisco on Thursday, November 8th from 5 to 7 pm. Details are provided below. I hope you will join us!
Where: Hudson Grace, San Francisco 3350 Sacramento Street
When: Thursday, November 8th 5 to 7pm PLEASE RSVP to info@hudsongrace.com