Sometimes I have a habit of doing the décor in my own home and not changing it up enough. It might be a result of being an interior designer but I also know that rearranging a room on a regular basis can bring life back to a space. I’m not necessarily talking about physically moving the position of furniture (although that’s great too!) but rather changing up the smalls in a room.
An example of small changes I made recently were the shelves in our living room. I loved the way I had arranged the small shelves in his room but I also wanted him to have the opportunity to play with the stuffed animals I had placed on them and to use the blankets his grandmother had knit. So, I set out to freshen up the shelves in the living room to give him a place to store his toys – rather than in the corner. I bought two baskets that I had been eyeing at my local knitting shop to store his favorites that he loves the most. Then I displayed a few of my favorite wood toys on books.
There are so many beautiful kids toys these days that you can have them on display its a win for Jackson and me!
Since I lost two shelves to Jackson I had a bit of a struggle fitting all of my favorite pieces in. I knew two things – the bar had to stay and I was going to have to take out a stack of blankets. I’m a closet blanket horder.
By the end of my day I certainly loved the way everything more after rearranging. This is something everyone should do. It helps me look at my own house with fresh eyes!
Images by Emily Scott for Sacramento Street