You guessed it – as of this week I’m 19 weeks pregnant with baby number two! Honestly, there is no way to hide the bump anymore. This time around it popped SO much faster. Our entire family is overjoyed that we will be welcoming a baby GIRL this June!! Jackson walks around the house pointing to my bump saying “nina, nina” and he loves handing me food saying it’s for “baby.” He also loves to kiss my bump and point to her room – I know he’s going to be an amazing older brother.
It’s been hard to keep this a secret from all of you – this pregnancy has been a rough one. This Fall (starting in October) I was in bed with all day sickness. Some days I could make it through meetings, other days I’d be in bed most of the day – each day was unpredictable. Luckily, right after Christmas I started to feel back to my old self again. It’s been a blessing feeling like me again. So, if you were wondering what was going on around here this fall, with less posts going up, now you know why.
Thank you all for being so incredibly supportive – I can’t wait to share more about motherhood and how this pregnancy is going with all of you.
A HUGE thank you to Andrea for capturing this photo of Jackson when we told her the news!