Tips on Cooking the Perfect Turkey
Always make sure your bird is fully defrosted and room temp before going in the oven. This can be achieved in a sanitary way by stopping your sink up and letting the bird sit in room temp water, while still in it’s package for 30 minutes before you unwrap and season.
Always season the cavity of the bird as well as the outside, which will flavor the bird from the inside out.
Keep the bird elevated on a rack while roasting so it does not sit in it’s drippings.
Roast low and slow (about 300 degrees) for approx: 15 min per pound.
Most important and most often skipped. Let the roast bird rest a minimum of 35 minutes, (I have let mine rest for an hour and it’s still piping hot! Rest the bird uncovered. You don’t want that beautiful crispy skin to steam!
Lastly, remain calm and don’t get intimidated. Remember: It’s just a big chicken.
More Thanksgiving recipes from Jessica will be coming your way tomorrow – they are delicious!
Photography by delbarr moradi | Food by Jessica Robertson