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Interiors: Creating an Organic Sanctuary
Ever since I re-designed Jackson’s room I’ve had a little bit of jealousy – I’m in love with his room. So I decided to give our Master...

Interiors: Layering a Kids Bed
I’ve been getting a lot of questions centered around Jackson’s bedroom makeover – especially the way I layered his bed. By the end of...

One Room Challenge: The BIG Reveal
I’ve been giddy with excitement to share the BIG reveal of Jackson’s new room with all of you. When Linda fromCalling it Home invited to...

One Room Challenge: Week Four with The Mine + Moodboard
This week, I thought I’d give you a look into my creative process by showing you some of the ideas I’ve had for my son’s room for...

One Room Challenge: Week Three
Artwork for a toddler’s room can be difficult. Their interests change quickly, so investing in art is futile. I decided the best thing to...

One Room Challenge: Week Two
One of the first things I like to decide when I design a room, is what treatment and color to use on the walls. In Jackson’s bedroom, I...

One Room Challenge: Kicking Off Week One
Last week, I announced that I’m participating in the Fall 2017 One Room Challenge, which is being sponsored by House Beautiful. I’ve been...

Interiors: Amelia’s Nursery Reveal
BIG reveal today, I’m sharing Amelia’s nursery over on Rue Magazine! Since it was my second time around designing a nursery, it felt a...

Five Simple Ways to Keep Your Home Organized
Now that our family has expanded to four, it feels at times as if the things in our home grown exponentially. I’m careful not to buy...

Interiors: End of Summer Bedding Refresh
Having a toddler and an infant at the same time, I feel as if it’s a constant struggle to keep my house looking good. We are of the...

Workspace: Lan Jaenicke​
I’ve been known to be a coat lover. My love for beautiful coats started while working for Erica Tanov back in college.

Interiors: Madeline Weinrib SF Sample Sale
Madeline Weinrib, a textile and rug designer known for her exquisite quality and design, has always been at the top of my list for items to

April Moodboard
Although we are more than halfway through April – this month has been one to remember.

Interiors: Putting Your Personal Stamp On Your Design
Whenever I sit down with a client, I try to make sure that the design of their home includes items that put their stamp on the design.

Step into Spring with World Market
Each spring, my husband goes to Arizona for Spring Training. We visit him for several long weekends and love stepping into the warm weather

Interiors: The Finished Product (The After)
Yesterday, I chatted about how to decide if a piece of furniture should be revitalized

Interiors: Revitalize Your Furniture (The Before)
I don’t know about you, but I always seem to have a piece of furniture that could use recovering.

Interiors: Do You Collect Anything?
I never thought I would actually collect anything, but over the years, I seem to have accumulated enough of a few things

A Night with McGuire Furniture
Last month, I was thrilled to be asked by McGuire to design a table for a celebration of their Fall 2016 Introductions, which includes piece

On My Bookcase: Two Must Have Design Books
I’ve been anxiously awaiting both of these books to come out for a long, long time. Writing a book is a labor of love
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